Interactive chart with historical data for the real (inflation-adjusted) price of gold per ounce up to 1915. The series is deflated using the heading Consumer. Are you interested in testing our business solutions? Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Overview and forecasts on trending topics Industry and market insights and forecasts Key figures and rankings about companies and products Insights and preferences of consumers and brands in various industries Detailed information on political and social issues All important figures on countries and regions Market forecasts and expert KPIs for more than 600 segments in over 150 countries Insights into the attitudes and behavior of consumers worldwide Business information on more than 70 million public and private companies Detailed information for over 35,000 online shops and marketplaces Get quick analyses with our professional research service industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partly from exclusive partnerships). A paid subscription is required for full access
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As soon as these statistics are updated, you will be immediately notified via email. You’ll need at least one Starter account to use this feature. Get full access to all features of our business solutions. You only have access to basic statistics.
These statistics aren’t included in your account. The price of a steak has almost tripled, a nice suit has almost quadrupled and the average price of a car has more than doubled. The United States Gold Bureau, its clients, and agents do not guarantee to customers that they will make profits, nor do they guarantee that there will be no losses if the recommendations of the United States Gold Bureau are followed or if coins purchased from the United States Gold Bureau are liquidated.